Big Band
Rich BrownBen Birdland has seen a lot in his time, including the worst of the Grand War. But nothing was worse than what he saw as a beat cop in New Meridian. When he ran afoul of his crooked unit he was given a violent early retirement, and his broken body was left to spend the rest of its days in an iron lung.
That would have been the end of Ben’s story if it hadn’t drawn the ears of the Anti-Skullgirl Labs. With little left to lose, he agreed to be rebuilt with their experimental procedures. Melded with the machinery that allows him to breathe and a powerful an array of pneumatic weaponry, he was reborn as “Big Band.”
Now a senior member of Lab 8, he’s become a father figure of sort to the younger ASG soldiers. A firm believer in their cause, he has stayed with the project through its controversies and still sees his place on the front lines against the Skullgirl. His technology may be dated, but he more than makes up for it with experience and fortissimo.
: December 15Bloodtype
: B♭ (experimental oil mixture)Height
: 7'7Weight
: 5000 lbs (95 lbs organic)Likes
:A good beat, shoe polish, brass polish, 4-part harmony, Autumn Leaves, the flat 5th, the spirit of the law, gin, neat
:Punks, corruption, unresolved dissonance, carelessness, electric shavers, smoothies, narrow spaces