Kai KennedyKnown world-wide for felling the Gigan warrior Grendel and for his illustrious career in the ring, Beowulf had secured himself a spot in the history books as a champion. But a mediocre acting career after leaving the ring tarnished his legacy.
Now, as the Canopy Kingdom faces a new threat, Beowulf enters the ring once more, determined to relive the glory, and in doing so stumbles upon the truth about his past… Will Beowulf be able to overcome this new threat to the city and his legacy? Or is this his final taste of the spotlight?
: March 31Bloodtype
: OHeight
: 6’7”Weight
: 287 lbsLikes
:Hunting, working snug, sweaters, tour buses, boots, ladders, fluorescent light tubes, guaranteed money contracts, microbrews, the sound of an excited crowd, merchandise, chamomile tea
:Professional writing staff, refined sugar, Allen keys, snakes, disqualifications, taking vacation time, spray on tans, indoor voices, being told what to do, being told what to wear, potatoes