1Up has posted a new preview of Skullgirls, by none other than iPlayWinner’s Haunts, a.k.a. Neidal Crisan. With long time tournament player Mike Z. behind the wheel — making adjustments to the gameplay system at tournaments on the fly based on player feedback — it’s safe to say the game...
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Skullgirls was featured on the PlayStation Blog this morning!
In the post, I detail the game’s innovative game balancing systems, and we’ve provided a short video demonstrating them all, too.
You can read the full post and see the video here!
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This is Mrs. Victoria.  She’s a teacher at Filia’s school, and will be your guide through the tutorials I’m creating for *Skullgirls*. Creating new fighting game fans is an important goal for us at Reverge Labs. Not only do we need to make sure players pick up *Skullgirls*, but...
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Yesterday we took the latest build of Skullgirls down to GameTrailers to reveal Ms. Fortune to the world.
In this video, Mike walks you through Ms. Fortune’s mechanics and all of her grisley moves.
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 People have been speculating for some time that Skullgirls wouldn’t make a 2011 release – a lot of this due to our unorthodox “gameplay first” development approach and willingness to show work in progress. We’re strongly dedicated to quality and feel more time can be spent polishing the game,...
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My name is Brian Jun, otherwise known as EU03 elsewhere on the Internet. I’m currently intern-turned-assistant art monkey for the rest of the art department at Reverge Labs. Being one who can fumble through digital imaging, I’m assigned some of the more mundane clean-up tasks… some of which cause me...
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