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Skullgirls Encore 1.04: WulfPatch Notes

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General Changes

  • Beowulf added to the roster as the fourth DLC character.

    • Purchase him from the store FREE for first 3 months!
    • Beowulf’s Story added to Story Mode.
    • Beowulf’s Tutorial added to Tutorials.
  • New stage added: NMO Arena, featuring the “The Crowd Goes Wild” background theme by Blaine McGurty and Brenton Kossak. An (Empty) alternate version of the stage has also been added, featuring “The Crowd Goes Home” remix theme.
  • Final Atrium, Medici Tower, Glass Canopy, and Grand Cathedral (Empty) have all been updated in various ways, including dynamic lighting effects and framerate improvements.
  • Added Real Soviet Announcer, played by Mike Z. This is the first of the Indiegogo-sponsored alternate voice packs! Change the voice pack in Voice Settings, from the Options menu.
  • Added new colors for every character, bringing new and old alike up to 25 total palettes! Be careful, some earlier extra colors have been re-ordered or slightly adjusted to differentiate them from the later colors. A small number of colors have been removed entirely to make room for new ones.
  • New Training Mode options and improvements:

    • Adjusted the color of vulnerable boxes to increase visibility for colorblind players.
    • The “Advanced” Attack Data option now includes a display for normal moves/buttons being watched by the Infinite Prevention System (IPS). Watched buttons are shown in red, and the button that triggers IPS will show a white highlight.
    • The Attack Data IPS indicator also flashes to indicate a Push Block Guard Cancel opportunity for player 1 when recovering after successfully shortening blockstun. Thanks to Devita.
    • The Attack Data box now continues to display the previous combo’s information until the start of a new combo or a tag to another character. Thanks to Zidiane.
    • Input Display now shows inputs for both player 1 and player 2.
    • The “As Reversal” Playback Mode option will now cause the training dummy to perform the recorded action when incoming after an Outtake or teammate death. Thanks to IsaVulpes.
    • The “As Reversal” Playback Mode option can now call an Ensemble Attack as the reversal action.
    • Recovering from a safe/successful Infinity Breaker now triggers “As Reversal” actions. Thanks to Fedora_Ninja.
    • The training dummy will no longer accidentally dash forward while push blocking.
    • The Drama (undizzy) setting now applies to both players.
    • The Show Crossups option will no longer trigger from crossing up vulnerable objects that are not a point character, like Napalm Tears or Fortune’s head. Thanks to Bagel The Bagel.
    • The Escape Infinite Combos option now has a “Random” setting, giving the training dummy a 10% chance to use an Infinity Breaker on any hit where it is available. Thanks to askxu.
  • HUD improvements:

    • Attack buttons have been updated so individual buttons have a distinct color. Button combinations, such as PP, KK, and LP+LK, now have unique symbols. These appear in the command lists, training mode input display, button config, tutorials, and the custom assist dialogue.
    • The in-game timer now greys out whenever it is affected during a round. This includes when a move always stops the timer (like during Squigly’s Daisy Pusher) or when a move protects against a timeout (like during Cerebella’s Ultimate Showstopper). In Training Mode with infinite time, the timer will still gray out to show when either condition is true. Thanks to Midiman.
    • 1v1 matches now use a distinctive blue life bar for the first down, and all subsequent rounds’ lifebars are yellow. Previously, the red lifebar in the last round was difficult to tell apart from the remaining red health.
    • The Drama bar now has a flashing animation when full.
    • Fixed all HUD portraits and re-converted them from their original files to improve quality for the Xbox 360 version. Parasoul is now correct, among others.
  • The character select screen now has its final arrangement, and Fukua is now permanently visible!
  • Stage selection order has been rearranged to group stages by geographical regions of downtown, south/bayside, suburbs, and outside New Meridian.
  • Cheating online to select more than one of the same character on a team will now cause instant team death at the start of the round.
  • The Infinity Breaker burst effect will now appear as gold to indicate a “safe” burst and blue to indicate an “unsafe” burst with additional vulnerable frames.
  • Added an orange “!!” visual effect when a character gets hit low while blocking high and a blue “?!” effect for getting hit high when blocking low.
  • Added a broken heart visual effect for a counterhit, including from throws and hitgrabs that land as a counterhit.
  • Added VO for original characters to interact with recent DLC characters during intros, tags, wins, and losses.
  • Added VO for original characters on attacks added by a recent patch (like Ms. Fortune’s head-on s.HK).
  • Default Ensemble Attack choices have been revised to better reflect the most popular assist choices for the character.
  • Pressing Start on a character’s color choice will now pick a random color. Thanks to Evilweevle.
  • The character select music now fades out before a fight instead of abruptly cutting out.
  • The Gehenna stage will no longer be chosen by random stage select. Consequently, it is no longer included in the World Warrior Princess achievement.
  • On PC, the controller side choice screen now displays long names of all connected USB devices. Consider it a sneak preview for PS4 version controller support!
  • The art file format, renderer, art storage, and shader pipelines have been revised and rewritten for all versions. This optimizes the game for the upcoming Vita version, but improves performance on existing console versions too!
  • PC version no longer loads low resolution/8 bit art, slightly improving load times.
  • The PC Beta will now put up a message box at startup if the “-log” Launch Option is enabled, as that negatively affects performance and people sometimes forget to turn it off after using it.

PC-Only Changes:

(Too late for this console patch, but will be in the next one…)

  • Added An Oasis of Blood, the real music for Bath of Sekhmet! Composed by Michiru Yamane.
  • Restored the guitar solo in The Crowd Goes Wild.
  • Stage select images for Empty Lab 8 and Final Atrium updated.
  • Added “Universal Commands” to movelists for commands that are common to all characters, such as basic throws, Ensemble Attacks, tagging, Outtakes, etc.
  • All character tutorials are now on an associated stage for the character, rather than the training stage.
  • The recovery of Filia’s level 3 is now correctly counterhit state.
  • In-game framedata correctly tracks the recovery of a blocked Savage Bypass.
  • Eliza and Big Band’s AI will now attack you when you’re airborne, and Eliza will throw you, and use Sekhmet. Thanks Skarmand.
  • Frame counter for “first hit” and “after first hit” things in training mode now takes slow-motion into account. Thanks Thunder-Slash!
  • AI works properly vs Beowulf staying seated after a snapback. Thanks Skarmand.

Gameplay Changes

  • Character base life increased from 14300 to to 15500.
  • Solo characters received the following changes:

    • Damage modifier lowered from 150% to 145%.
    • Solos vs teams will now keep a percentage of damage taken as red health, up to 1/3 of total health against a trio team and 1/2 total health against a duo team. 1v1 team matches do not use recoverable damage.
    • Solos can now heal red health after connecting with an Outtake; hitting a point character restores 2/3 of their current red health, and hitting an Ensemble character restores 1/3.
    • Teams can now remove all red health from a solo character by hitting with an Outtake. Outtakes now cause an invulnerable sweep knockdown instead of a wall bounce when used by a team vs a solo.
  • Drama (AKA undizzy) received the following changes:

    • Using a ground tech now removes 50% of the Drama from the defending character, instead of removing all of it.
    • Outside of a combo, Drama now decreases at a progressively slower rate the further it is above 150.
    • When the opponent has any amount of Drama, the super flash from level 1 Blockbusters will no longer force hitstop on the defending character. This makes many Blockbusters that are unblockable after the flash become blockable on reaction when used for a reset, as long as the opponent has not committed to any other action (attacks, dashes, etc). Level 3 and above Blockbusters are not affected by this change.
    • Getting counter hit out of the startup of a normal throw now subtracts Drama as originally intended. Thanks to Yomabuddy.
  • Double jumps received the following changes:

    • Ensemble Attacks are now locked after a double jump, similar to a super jump.
    • The startup for a double jump no longer has the same throw invulnerability as a jump from the ground.
  • All characters now have standardized startup and active frames for normal air throws. This change affects Painwheel/Squigly (+1f startup, +1f active), Valentine (+1f active), and Parasoul (-1f startup).
  • All characters now have standardized length ground and air throw-tech animations. These changes also prevent Double’s and Ms. Fortune’s air throws from allowing the opponent to switch sides after teching late in the animation. Thanks to VIVIT_rv00.
  • Super jumps now have a distinct sound effect.
  • During jump startup, holding back or up-back directions now block mid and high attacks for the defending character.
  • Air attacks will no longer trigger pre-block against a standing opponent.
  • Increased default pre-block distance to 275px from 200px.
  • Push blocking and Push Block Guard Cancels (PBGC) received the following changes:

    • Certain multi-hit moves can now be push blocked during initial or intermediate hits without frame perfect timing. This includes: Peacock’s j.LK, Argus Agony, and Shadow of Impending Doom’s Tenrai-Ha; Parasoul’s Motor Brigade; Ms. Fortune’s Cat Scratch Fever (both versions); Painwheel’s Buer Thresher; Valentine’s c.MP; Double’s Bandwagon Rushdown; Squigly’s Inferno of Leviathan; Fukua’s Blown Kiss and Drill of My Dreams. Thanks to Skarmand and Age.
    • The defending character now always returns to neutral at the end of the push block animation, even when holding another direction. This makes it easier to PBGC into moves ending in a back direction.
    • After any block and push block that reduces your blockstun, Ensemble Attacks can only be called again after the blockstun would have ended normally; Ensemble Attacks can no longer be used during a PBGC in spots where the attacks would have been a blockstring.
    • The green flash effect now triggers when starting any attack from a PBGC instead of just specials and Blockbusters.
  • Vulnerable Ensemble Attack startup (after landing before beginning their action) has been increased from 2f to 3f.
  • Ensemble Attack commands will no longer trigger a second attack for a normal move that chains into itself. For example, s.LP, LP+MK will no longer get s.LP x2 from the point character. Thanks to Skarmand.
  • Stunt Double super freeze has been extended by 9f, giving the opponent a much shorter gap to react and counter the Stunt Double character. Thanks to mcpeanuts.
  • 360 motion inputs now allow 6f between consecutive directions instead of only 3f, and allow a direction to be held for 6f instead of only 5f, making 360s easier for keyboard and Hitbox players.
  • When performing a throw Blockbuster at above 80% damage scaling, cancelling to a Blockbuster Sequel before the final hit of the throw always applies 80% damage scaling for the following combo.
  • Outtakes must force an Ensemble Attack to hit a wall within 10f to allow a Double Take (AKA double snap) combo, reduced from 15f.
  • Tag In attacks now properly autocorrect like special moves; the character tagging out will face the correct direction before the character tagging in starts the attack.
  • Cancelling into a super after the killing blow for a down in a 1v1 match no longer costs meter. The only exception is Big Band’s Satchmo Solo, which will still cost meter and play for the full duration. Thanks to Skarmand.
  • When counter hit by a stagger attack, the defending character can no longer shake to shorten the stagger effect.
  • Fixes for various bugs and glitches. Lab Zero fixes any bugs you can find!

  • Super shadow effects no longer cause horizontal line graphical glitches.
  • Fixed a specific situation where the defending character could trigger a Stunt Double while blocking a fatal attack. Thanks to yaboidekillsage.
  • Fix for save file corruption under certain conditions – save files are now always closed on load. Thanks to Skarmand.
  • After certain super flashes, tapping a button with 1f timing no longer completely halts air momentum. Thanks to Guitalex.
  • Certain ground recovery animations no longer allow the defending character to get crossed up in the corner. This includes Cerebella face up, Double face up, Eliza face down, and Filia/Fukua faceup.
  • 3 button commands such as MP+HP+HK will no longer count as either an Ensemble Attack or a tag command depending on team order. They now always count as an Ensemble Attack. Thanks to Negus Eyoel.
  • When a character hits a defending character with a separate attack during a throw it no longer generates whiff/invulnerable hit sparks.
  • Air dashes can now be cancelled into specials and Blockbusters with negative edge and motion+P+K special commands. Thanks to Severin.
  • Dead Ensemble characters are now drawn behind everything else.
  • PP+K can no longer be used as a push block/throw tech option select; it now always gives a push block command.
  • Tossing Ms. Fortune’s head in the “Punishing” tutorial will no longer break the tutorial.
  • Moves with selective character passthrough (such as Filia’s Gregor Samson) will no longer pass through an opponent’s invulnerable wake up animation. Thanks to SonicFox5000.
  • A wall splat hitstun (from Fukua’s Twice Shy, Beowulf’s Gigantic Arm, etc) will now give proper collision between the defending character and other characters during the effect.
  • Getting hit out of an Outtake now puts the defending character in a standing hitstun animation instead of crouching.
  • Air pre-block animations will no longer have a stuttering effect against ground moves at specific distances.
  • Ensemble Attacks will no longer teleport before landing under certain conditions. Thanks to Weatherbee.
  • Ensemble Attacks will no longer enter the screen from the wrong side under certain conditions. Thanks to Luweewu. (They will still enter the screen from the “far” side if your character is facing away from the opponent when the assist is called, but they will no longer enter the screen from in front of your character.)
  • The slowdown effect for a character death no longer causes dropped inputs.
  • In arcade mode, the PC version should no longer have just Filia, Cerebella, and Peacock as the only possible solo opponents. Thanks to chickenwithtie.
  • Adjusted how the game checks the defending character’s horizontal position during a throw, preventing the attacking character from wrongly facing backward in some situations (such as during Parasoul’s Egret charge).
  • Fixed various issues with simultaneous super flashes, including the camera focusing on the wrong character and projectiles behaving in unusual ways.
  • Ground Recovery response VO will no longer play during a Blockbuster or when the responding character is dead. Thanks to boboflesserdoom and E. Dee.
  • Fixed the positioning of certain characters during their trip animations. Thanks to LazyBakemono.
  • Fixed a UI error in the text for layer 1’s third Ensemble Attack choice on the character select screen. EXTREMELY IMPORTANT. :^)
  • Fixed a damage calculation bug for successful hits that are explicitly meant to not kill a point character. Thanks to Weatherbee.

Character Changes


  • Fixed various problems between the height of Filia’s vulnerable boxes, jump/super jump heights, physical extent, and object point while in the air. These changes also apply to Fukua.

    • Changes made bring hitboxes up to the standards of all other characters.
    • Filia should no longer fall out of certain combos or end up behind her opponent while being hit.
    • Various s.HP xx super jump j.HK combos should work consistently against all characters now.
  • Certain normals no longer have recovery frames that allow Filia to tech a throw while still leaving her open for a counter hit. This “property” was intentionally given to Filia when she was the first complete character in the game and no longer fits within the current Drama and counter hit rules. These changes also apply to Fukua and Double. Thanks to IsaVulpes.
  • Missing vulnerable boxes have been added to Filia for the active and recovery frames of various normals that use Samson. This makes Filia match Fukua as well as the standards for hitboxes set by every other character that uses a parasite.
  • Added a missing voice clip for jumping out of a dash. This change also applies to Fukua. Thanks to WildPony.
  • Filia now continues running if she runs underneath a jumping opponent, like all other characters with a run. Thanks guitalex.
  • s.MK hitbox adjusted to prevent whiffs against crouching Painwheel.
  • c.MK hitboxes expanded forward on the middle and end hits to prevent the later hits from missing if the first hit connects at maximum range. These changes also apply to Fukua.
  • j.LK recieved the following changes:

    • The attack now has a stronger effect on Filia’s air dash momentum, giving an instant air dash j.LK a more “triangular” jump pattern.
    • Physical extent box extended downward, to ensure that a close instant-airdash j.LK will not whiff behind any grounded opponent.
    • Hitboxes slightly improved below and behind Filia.
  • j.HK is now blockable as a mid, and has a stronger effect on Filia’s momentum, so you can no longer cross up by doing a close dash-jump j.HK.
  • Filia’s Ringlet Spike received the following changes:

    • On hit, the projectile now causes a unique hitstun once per combo. The stun pins the opponent to the ground for 30f, pins for 55f when hitting OTG, and is visually similar to Painwheel’s LP Gae Bolga Stinger.
    • The projectile will no longer go offscreen in the corner.
    • Added 50% forced damage scaling on hit.
  • When used as an Ensemble Attack, Updo now starts at the default position relative to the point character instead of 100 pixels further forward than a standard Ensemble Attack.
  • The HK version of Airball has an increased downward velocity by 1.5 pixels per frame. This allows existing dash cancel combos to work with the changes to Filia’s jump height. Thanks WingZero.


  • Adjusted vulnerable boxes during standing hitstuns to cover the back of Cerebella’s head.
  • Fixed a bug in Cerebella’s air hitstun frames where her feet did not count as a vulnerable hitbox.
  • Fixed physical extent boxes in Cerebella’s air block animation.
  • s.HK damage reduced from 625+725 to 600+700 .
  • j.HP damage reduced from 1000 to 950.
  • (air) down+MP received the following changes:

    • Damage reduced from 1000 to 800.
    • Hitboxes extended vertically.
    • Hitstop increased for the opponent, giving additional followup opportunities.
  • Lock n’ Load received the following changes:

    • Damage reduced from 1075/1450/1800 for LP/MP/HP versions to 900/1150/1400.
    • MP version startup -1f. It will now combo off of s.HP.
    • HP version startup -3f.
  • Merry Go-Rilla received the following changes:

    • The window to cancel to a Blockbuster now ends before the active frames, just like all other command grabs. This change also applies to Diamond Drop. Thanks to yaboidekillsage.
    • Hit invulnerability during startup changed. She now only has invulnerability to throws during active frames.
    • Removed vulnerable boxes on Vice Versa’s arm during startup frames.
  • Diamond Deflector received the following changes:

    • It now only reflects projectiles. It can no longer hit on its own.
    • Upon sucessful reflect, Cerebella is now invulnerable to projectiles only, instead of all hits.
  • Excellebella received the following changes:

    • Recovery on whiff -4f.
    • The opponent’s hanging upside down frames now have a more fluid animation during the throw.
  • Devil Horns received the following changes:

    • Removed invulnerability after the active frames.
    • Blockbuster cancel window during recovery shortened by 8f. Cancelling a blocked Devil Horns to Ultimate Showstopper can still connect, but only within a 3f window.
  • Cerecopter received the following changes:

    • Damage redistributed, lowering fully scaled damage from 720 to around 520.
    • The opponent’s movement when getting hit has been changed to prevent whiffs and direction changes when cancelling to a Diamond Dynamo.
  • Kanchou received the following changes:

    • Damage reduced from 1400 to 1000.
    • The startup now has a 2f window to super cancel, preventing some input errors when cancelling a Tumbling Run to a Blockbuster. Thanks to IsaVulpes.
    • Cerebella now travels faster when attempting to go behind the opponent. Cancelling to Kanchou from a close s.HP on hit will now combo against the widest characters.
  • Pummel Horse recieved the following changes:

    • Damage reduced from 200 x6 to 175 x6.
    • The throw animation is now approximately 40f faster. Thanks to Woofly.
  • A failed Grab Bag no longer triggers ground recovery VO.
  • When used as a Blockbuster Sequel, Ultimate Showstopper now removes all hitstop on the opponent regardless of Blockbuster Sequel timing; an opponent can always jump out after the super flash if not committed to another action.


  • s.MP startup improved from 15f to 14f.
  • s.HP projectile hitstun +1f.
  • s.LK startup improved from 12f to 9f.
  • s.HK damage reduced from 1100 to 1000.
  • c.HP damage reduced from 950 to 900.
  • c.MK received the following changes:

    • Opponent pushback on hit changed to a pull towards Peacock. This effect is slightly greater against an air opponent.
    • Hitboxes adjusted to better match the effect and give the attack more range.
    • Startup -1f.
  • c.HK slides further, moves faster, and stays active for longer.
  • j.HP hitboxes adjusted to better match the effect and give the attack more range.
  • j.HK’s Avery projectile now generate meter as a multi-hit normal, instead of considering every hit a new attack. This change also applies to Double.
  • A successful air throw now sends the opponent slightly further away from Peacock.
  • George’s Day Out blockstun -4f. Block advantage is now -2f.
  • Shadow of Impending Doom will now drop the item 20f after blockstun ends when releasing the button during blockstun. Holding the button through blockstun can still manually release the item immediately after blockstun ends.
  • Fixed a bug that allowed Peacock to move around after hitting with a Road Roller. Thanks to Baiken.
  • The Hole Idea HK version now functions as an MK version as long as Peacock has a teammate entering the screen as an Ensemble Attack, before they land.
  • Fire in the Hole startup and startup invulnerability extended by 6f.
  • Argus Agony received the following changes:

    • The damage, hitstun, and knockback effect of the larger, initial laser have been increased. The damage from the smaller lasers have been decreased, preserving the total damage of the Blockbuster on its own and lowering it when used in a combo with high damage scaling.
    • All hits of the initial laser now share a continuous active hitbox.
  • Lonesome Lenny received the following changes:

    • Invulnerability before the superflash removed.
    • Lenny’s explosion now always sends opponents away from Peacock, and Peacock or her teammates away from the opponents, regardless of their positioning relative to Lenny.
    • Lenny now slides further when hit towards the opponent and significantly less far when hit away from the opponent.
    • The small lasers from Argus Agony now pass through Lenny. They still hit him and push him across the screen.
    • Lenny will always explode after getting hit by an Argus Agony, regardless of his remaining health or Peacock’s actions.
    • Fixed a single frame during startup where Lenny did not appear on screen after he is already spawned.
  • Hi Hi Birdie received the following changes:

    • The Tenrai-ha item drop now appears only after a successful taunt and only if Peacock starts her Shadow of Impending Doom after the taunt is complete.
    • Dropping a level 1 or 2 item will no longer waste the stored Tenrai-ha.
    • The taunt can now be canceled to a Blockbuster at any time. The taunt must fully complete to store a Tenrai-ha.


  • Added a missing vulnerable box to Parasoul’s head during one frame of her forward dash. Thanks to ViVr.
  • s.MP hitbox extended back towards Parasoul’s body, preventing whiffs in some odd cases. Thanks to IsaVulpes.
  • s.MK (second attack) hitbox adjusted to prevent whiffs against crouching Painwheel.
  • The air version of Napalm Toss received the following changes:

    • When performing the attack and manually setting a tear by releasing the button in the first 10f of a jump, Parasoul tosses a smaller version of a napalm tear. Manually detonating a small tear has reduced damage, blockstun, and hitstun.
    • The small tear grows to a full size tear after 30f onscreen.
  • Egret Charge hitbox extended downward to help it connect in certain situations.
  • Outtake can no longer manually detonate tears and accidentally prevent opponents from being snapped out.
  • Silent Scope received the following changes:

    • The overall timing for the move has changed: the startup is longer, the recovery is shorter, and disadvantage on block has improved from -48f to -18f. Parasoul still has a longer recovery on hit.
    • Damage increased from 1500 to 1750.
    • The crosshairs now stay on screen and search for a target for up to 60f. The more patient sniper will hold fire against an invulnerable opponent and not miss completely if an opponent is in an awkward position.
    • Hitting an airborne opponent now forces the defending character to the ground and causes crumple stun. This works from any height, even when hitting an opponent above the top of the screen (Blockbuster Sequel from Cerebella’s Ultimate Showstopper, Eliza’s Nekhbet Breaker, etc).

Ms. Fortune

  • Fixed physical extent boxes in Fortune’s air block animation.
  • Headless Ground Recovery response VO now always originate from Fortune’s head, not her body.
  • Headless Cat Slide and El Gato can now be selected as a custom Ensemble Attack with the QCF+K (236+K) and QCB+K (214+K) inputs. With her Head On, these attacks become c.MK and s.MK respectively.
  • When selected as a custom Ensemble Attack, HP Cat Scratch will now perform the MP version if Fortune is Headless. Thanks to Stuff.
  • When Headless, minimum air dash hight has been lowered from 10f to 8f; it is now only a +2f penalty from Head On instead of +4f.
  • Fixed Fortune’s body from getting a corner push back effect if the head hits with various attacks. Thanks to Stuff.
  • Projectiles hitting Fortune’s head now apply 10f less cooldown to the head than a direct physical attack.
  • c.LP, c.LK, c.MK and c.HK hitboxes have all been extended backward, allowing Fortune’s body to hit her head with these attacks when they are both cornered. c.HK now hits completely behind Fortune, as suggested by the animation.
  • j.HP hitstun +1f.
  • Headless MK and HK Fiber Uppercuts now allow a leap followup if any hit connects. The Head On versions still require all hits to connect for a followup. Thanks to worldjem.
  • Decap Attack received the following changes:

    • Hits now add Drama equivalent to a light normal attack.
    • The head can now get hit during a Decap Attack. When hit by Fortune, this changes the arc and restarts the animation with a new active hitbox. When hit by an opponent, it deals appropriate damage to Fortune and stops the Decap Attack.
    • Hits no longer generate meter for Fortune. They still give meter to the defending character.
  • Cat Spike received the following changes:

    • Startup -1f.
    • Removed the ground bounce on the first hit from Fortune’s hand. Thanks to Inuchiyo for finally requiring this change. :^)
    • Fortune can no longer miss hitting her own head while getting pushblocked or in other odd situations. Thanks to Stuff.
  • Fixed Fortune’s body from getting a corner push back effect if the head hits with various attacks. Thanks to Stuff.
  • Feline Allergies received the following changes:

    • Cancelling Headbutt and ZOOM! to Feline Allergies is now possible on block.
    • The head now picks the direction of travel later, on its first frame of movement instead of on the first frame of startup. This change allows the head to more accurately hit opponents as they travel over it.
  • Fortune can now use Cat Call to recall her head between downs in a 1v1 match.
  • The Fifth of Dismember’s final hit will no longer connect after Fortune leaves the screen from a Blockbuster Sequel. Thanks to Guitalex.


  • When performed as a Stunt Double, Pinion Dash now skips the charge time, and each version is one level stronger.
  • Forward+HK hitboxes extended back towards Painwheel; it will no longer whiff against close crouching Squigly. Thanks to Fightman.
  • j.HP now behaves like a standard multi-hit high normal attack; the first hit that makes contact always requires high block, and any subsequent hits can be blocked as mid. Previously, the final hit counted as mid when it was the only hit to make contact.
  • Buer Reaper received the following changes:

    • Ground HK version now functions like other anti-air hitgrabs: it is unblockable against an opponent on the way up during a jump, the hitbox has been expanded, the active frames have been reduced to 2f from 4f, the super cancel window ends before the active frames, and it will not cause pre-block against a grounded opponent.
    • Cancelling the ground HK version and air MK versions to Buer Thresher now works for a combos against any characters.
  • Flight speed has been increased by .5/.5/1 pixels per frame in forward/back/up directions.
  • Flight Cancel can now be done by pressing any two punches, releasing any two punches, or holding any punch and pressing another punch button later. Thanks to Weatherbee.
  • Fixed a bug with Buer Thresher’s damage where the final hit could scale damage up if used late in a combo.
  • Hatred Install recieved the following changes:

    • Input changed to QCB+KK (214+KK). To avoid input errors, grounded Flight now has an additional 2f window in its startup to cancel to Hatred Install while remaining on the ground.
    • Removed increased Flight speed during Hatred Install, combos are now standard whether Installed or not.
    • Painwheel’s pulse effect now speeds up as the Blockbuster nears the end of its timer.
  • Buer Overdrive received the following changes:

    • Successfully absorbing damage using this attack’s Hatred Guard can no longer kill Painwheel.
    • Fixed bug where cancelling Pinion Dash into Buer Overdrive could cause an extra wheel to stay on screen.


  • s.MP received the following changes:

    • Hitstuns on intermediate hits increased. All hits will now combo to s.HP.
    • The second s.MP attack now drags the opponent downward for easier combos vs airborne opponents.
  • s.MK recieved the following changes:

    • Hitboxes expanded downward and inward to ensure the shuriken hits do not miss vs crouching opponents.
    • Fixed a bug that gave a 1f window for an opponent to fall out of a s.MK > s.HK combo.
  • The air versions of Dead Cross have improved angles and ranges. The LP shuriken has a shallower angle, MP is unchanged, and HP has a wider angle with significantly longer range. These changes also apply to the air versions of Flew Shot.
  • Savage Bypass received the following changes:

    • On hit, the air version now allows Valentine to perform other actions before landing. She can do this a maximum of twice per jump, but must uses two different strengths of Savage Bypass.
    • On miss or when blocked, the air version now puts Valentine into a proper counter hit state until she lands.
    • Air version damage reduced from 900/1000/1100 for LP/MP/HP to 750/825/900.
    • Air version now causes 75% forced damage scaling on hit.
    • When used as an Ensemble Attack, Valentine’s starting position is further forward so the HK version will reach the other side of the screen.
    • On block, Valentine now faces towards the opponent even when it doesn’t cross behind the opponent.
  • Vial Hazard received the following changes:

    • Removed the 3 possible small hits during the poison load animation.
    • The HP version (orange/input lag) now requires the opponent to hit Valentine with an Outtake or a Blockbuster to remove the effect at any level. This only applies to the orange poison; level one and two purple and green poison still go away as soon as Valentine is hit.
  • Mortuary Drop forward movement increased by around 90 pixels.
  • Acquisitive Prescription and Countervenom received the following changes:

    • These attacks can now counter an Infinity Breaker, causing 50% damage scaling when they hit in this situation.
    • Active frames for counter +5f and recovery -5f.
    • When Valentine has her back to the corner, the startup animation no longer forces her to step out of the corner.
    • Valentine now always consumes Tension for these Blockbusters if she gets interrupted, even on the first frame. Thanks to Poccola!
    • Fixed a bug preventing Countervenom from properly stopping Painwheel’s Buer Overdrive. Thanks to ShinATProof.
  • Dead on Arrival received the following changes:

    • Maximum damage scaling set to 55%, equal to the maximum for a level 5 Block buster and above the 45% for a standard level 3.
    • Startup after the superflash -8f.
    • Holding a punch button during the end of the animation now loads one level of Vial Hazard poison from the appropriate button. Holding no button gives an additional level if Valentine already has poison loaded, or level 1 LP (purple) poison if Valentine has nothing loaded.


  • New Blockbuster added: Beast of Gehenna (QCB+KK / 214+KK). Place a puddle that will trigger an attack if an opponent gets too close! The puddle stays for 500f and goes away if Double is hit.
  • Fixed Double’s hanging upside down frames to animate in the right order.
  • Fixed a bug preventing Double from alternating between s.LP and c.LP when chaining LP twice.
  • s.MP received the follwing changes:

    • Startup improved to 12f from 15f.
    • Damage increased from 500 to 550.
    • Hitstun and blockstun +4f.
    • Recovery -4f.
  • s.LK startup improved from 11f to 8f.
  • c.LP hitstun +2f.
  • c.LK received the following changes:

    • Damage reduced from 325 to 200.
    • Startup improved from 11f to 8f.
  • c.HP changed to something between Filia and Fukua’s version of the move.

    • Damage reduced from 950 to 900.
    • Hitboxes and vulnerable boxes extended.
    • Startup decreased, frame data improved overall.
  • Luger Replica received the following changes:

    • Blockstun +6f, making block advantage -5f at close range.
    • Bullet size increased to 1.5x.
    • HP version now travels at a steeper angle, travels much faster, only hits after bouncing off the floor, and knocks standing opponents off of the ground. It also launches airborne opponents higher once per combo.
  • Hornet Bomber received the following changes:

    • LK version startup improved from 17f to 12f, invulnerability extended to all startup and 2f of active time, total hits reduced to 2 from 3, total damage reduced from 1500 to 1200, overall height of the attack lowered, and the final hit lifts the defending characters slightly higher off the ground.
    • MK version startup improved from 17f to 14f and all invulnerability removed.
  • Flesh Step received the following changes:

    • Double will no longer push the opponent for the first 4f and can cross behind the opponent 4f sooner.
    • Fixed a bug while blocking at the end of recovery. Thanks to Severin.
  • Cilia Slide can now be performed using a negative edge input. Thanks to zeknife.
  • Fixed a bug during the landing of the LK version of Item Crash (teacup). Thanks to Baiken.
  • Bandwagon Rushdown received the following changes:

    • Damage redistributed to increase the minimum scaled damage from 730 to 990. Thanks to yaboidekillsage.
    • The dust cloud effect has been changed to better indicate which side of the screen Double is coming from.
    • Double is now much more likely to land all 5 hits when the opponent is hit by the back of the car.
  • Nightmare Legion received the following changes:

    • The animation has been sped up on hit. Again.
    • The first hit now pulls the opponent more towards Double on hit, preventing the opponent from falling out in some situations.
    • The final hit now causes sliding knockdown.
  • Megalith Array received the following changes:

    • Input changed to down, down+KK to distinguish it from Beast of Gehenna.
    • While active, the Dramatic Tension gauge now drains to represent the time remaiing in the Blockbuster.


  • Reduced the echo effect on ground recovery VO to allow the opponent to respond in a timely fashion.
  • Lowered c.LK and c.MP vulnerable boxes around Squigly’s head. This more closely matches the animations and gives her some evasive, low profile moves.
  • Arpeggio now has a 5f buffer window at the end of recovery, allowing easier link combos.
  • Seria Drag ‘n’ Bite recovery -4f, improving advantage on hit to +11f and allowing easy links to LP and LK attacks.
  • Tremolo received the following changes:

    • The Seria version now counts as low for the first hit that contacts the opponent. Any additional hits become mid, similar to a multi-hit low normal attack. The regular version is still always mid.
    • Vulnerable boxes around Squigly’s head adjusted to more closely match the art and give her a lower profile during the attack.
    • The Seria version’s “retraction” animation is now faster, making the recovery faster overall. It now has a 2f better advantage on hit compared to the standard version of Tremolo. It still has longer recovery on block.
  • Seria Silver Chord’s “retraction” animation is now faster on whiff and block, making the recovery faster overall.
  • Fixed a bug with the HK version of Fallen Woman where the second hit would not trigger if the first hit broke the armor of an armored move. Thanks to Luweewu.
  • Daisy Pusher received the following changes:

    • The first 4f after the superflash prevent the opponent from tagging.
    • Fixed a bug that allowed opponents to use armor cancels to avoid a Daisy Pusher. Thanks to Magicman!
  • Inferno of Leviathan received the following changes:

    • The projectile starts with 8 hits, does not lose hits as it travels, and will not disappear until it uses up all 8 hits.
    • Projectile movement changed to improve tracking to the opponent; decreases speed over time; the projectile now takes significantly less time to find the opponent.

Big Band

  • Added an original HUD portrait, replacing a reused animation frame.
  • Fixed various effect colors in certain palettes.
  • Increased the size of the burst visual effect from Big Band’s Infinity Breaker.
  • j.LK now behaves like a standard multi-hit high normal attack; the first hit that makes contact always forces a block direction and any subsequent hits can be blocked as mid.
  • Beat Extend received the following changes:

    • Lowered blockstun on all strengths for the initial hits, reducing the attack’s effectiveness as a lockdown Ensemble Attack.
    • Big Band can no longer shake for additional hits after the initial hits are blocked by the enemy point character, even if he hit an Ensemble character.
  • Changed the launch height for Big Band Outtake to prevent a bug when used against an Ensemble character. Thanks to 5uilliam.
  • Noise Cancel received the following changes:

    • Big Band can jump during the recovery animation after a successful parry.
    • Parrying Filia’s Gregor Samson now prevents Filia from passing through Big Band.
    • Fixed a bug preventing Big Band from starting a Noise Cancel from pre-block, block idle, and post-block frames. Thanks to Adeveis.
    • Fixed a bug where parrying certain moves would force Big Band into a standing animation in the air. Thanks to Ninja.
    • Fixed a bug that allowed unintentional Noise Cancels after certain Ensemble Attacks.
  • Take the A Train received the following changes:

    • LK version is now properly throw invulnerable on the active frame.
    • MK and HK versions startup -3f.
  • The kara cancel window from j.HK to the HK version of Cymbal Clash has been increased from 3f to 6f, further preventing unwanted j.HKs when performing the special with sloppy motions.
  • Super Sonic Jazz received the following changes:

    • The armor on a taunt-boosted SSJ now ends at the beginning of the final punch instead of during the recovery.
    • Gap on block between rapid punches and final attack of the taunt-boosted version increased from 1f to 5f.
    • TUBA TUBA! can now cancel to a Blockbuster Sequel after the final hit.
    • Fixed a Training Mode only bug where the Blockbuster could get stuck in an endless loop. Thanks to Huffy.
  • Fixed an error in the ceiling-check script during Tympani Drive.
  • Satchmo Solo’s input has been made slightly easier: the down input can now be held after the LK input and the LP+MP input does not require both buttons to be pressed on the exact same frame.


  • s.MP damage reduced from 600 to 550.
  • s.MK damage reduced from 650 to 550.
  • c.MP damage reduced from 600 to 550.
  • j.HP damage reduced from 900 to 800.
  • j.HK recieved the following changes:

    • Damage reduced from 700 to 500.
    • Followup j.HP damage lowered from 700 to 500.
  • Platonic Drillationship received the following changes:

    • Startup extended from 9/12/15f to 10/14/18f for LK/MK/HK strengths.
    • HK version recovery extended from 26f to 32f.
    • HK version hitstun +3f. It still will not combo into Best Friends Forever. Thanks to DreamEpitaph.
    • HK version invulnerability to hits extended to cover the longer startup and the first active frame.
    • Removed invincibility from HK version when used as an Ensemble Attack.
  • Forever a Clone received the following changes:

    • Damage for LK/MK/HK versions reduced from 750/900/1000 to a standard 750 for all strengths.
    • Fukua’s startup and recovery animations adjusted as follows: LK has 22f startup and 22f recovery, MK has 26f and 18f, and HK has 20f and 14f.
    • Added startup to the HK clone after it spawns, giving the attack +3f total startup when combined with Fukua’s animation. The attack now triggers from slightly farther away from the opponent, giving it the fastest possible startup at greater distances.
    • HK version hitstop +4f.
    • Blockstuns adjusted to 20/21/22f for LK/MK/HK versions. With the changes to startup and recovery, the block advantages are now 0/+14/+12f.
    • LK version knockdown now allows the opponent to use an immediate ground recovery, Fukua can’t hit them OTG.
    • MK version now forces airborne opponents downward faster on block.
  • Love Dart received the following changes:

    • The projectile now carries some of Fukua’s wraith lighting effects with it, allowing only one fireball to be on screen at a time. Fukua must wait for her wraiths to return before throwing another fireball.
    • On hit or block, Fukua now gains Tension only when the wraith returns. The Tension gained scales up the farther the wraith travels, up to double the base value. There is no meter generated on whiff.
  • Blown Kiss received the following changes:

    • Now causes a regular knockdown on hit instead of a slide stun.
    • The fireball starts closer to Fukua and the hitbox has been expanded; it will always fully connect against certain crouching characters in the corner. Thanks to yaboidekillsage.
    • Ground version is no longer unblockable after the superflash.
  • When used as a Blockbuster Sequel, Head Over Heels now adds startup frames; an opponent can always jump out after the super flash if not committed to another action.


  • Tagging out to Fukua now triggers the appropriate voice clip. Thanks to SpaceCadetKeon.
  • Fixed some cleanup errors in standing low hitstun and c.LK. Thanks to Rynozilla.
  • Sekhmet can no longer gain meter when attacking Fortune’s head, a pushblocking opponent, or an armored opponent. Thanks to Arcana.
  • Sekhmet now starts a light attack with an LP+LK input instead of taking no action. This causes an early throw break input to result in an unbreakable counter hit throw on Sekhmet, since she is thrown out of the attack startup.
  • s.LP hitstun -4f.
  • s.MP damage reduced from 600 to 550.
  • s.HP third attack damage reduced from 900 to 750.
  • s.LK damage reduced from 375 to 325.
  • s.MK recieved the following changes:

    • First attack damage reduced from 300 x2, 350 to 300 x3.
    • Second attack damage reduced from 450 to 400.
  • s.HK second attack damage reduced from 1000 to 900.
  • c.LK damage reduced from 325 to 275.
  • c.MK damage reduced from 450, 550 to 400, 500.
  • c.HK damage reduced from 1350 to 1200.
  • j.LK damage reduced from 350 to 300.
  • j.MK recieved the following changes:

    • Damage reduced from 600 to 500.
    • Blockstun decreased from 27f to 19f, a more appropriate amount for a medium normal attack. Thanks to Claws.
  • j.HK damage reduced from 900 to 875.
  • Sekhmet’s Carpenter’s Axe received the following changes:

    • Blockstun -1f.
    • s.H version damage reduced from 1300 to 1100.
    • j.M version damage reduced from 1300 to 1000.
    • j.M version fixed to always start a combo at IPS Stage 2 as intended.
  • Sekhmet’s Signature Attack damage reduced from 1200 to 1050.
  • Ground throw now deals damage in 7 distinct hits and adds to the combo counter. Thanks to Pizzarino.
  • Dive of Horus recieved the following changes:

    • Blockstop -3f.
    • Added 66% forced damage scaling on hit.
    • When used as an Ensemble Attack, Horace now enters his hitstun animation when Eliza is hit out of her recovery.
    • When used as an Ensemble Attack, Horace now renders behind the point characters. Thanks to Negus Eyoel.
  • Fixed various bugs that could prevent a servant from appearing after Eliza performs the summon animation for Dive of Horus or Throne of Isis. Thanks to BDetective and SonicFox5000.
  • Osiris Spiral received the following changes:

    • The LK version now has a 5f buffer window at the end of recovery, allowing easier link combos.
    • The “Osiris Spiral!” VO now occurs more often than the “What’s wrong, too spooky?” line during the HK version.
  • Fixed a bug that gave Lady of Slaughter 0f startup when used as a Blockbuster Sequel.
  • Nekhbet Breaker now moves forward while offscreen and drops the enemy slightly further in front of Eliza. This change prevent most ambiguous corner crossups after it, if the opponent was grabbed close to the corner.
  • Khepri Sun damage redistributed, lowering fully scaled damage from 4100 to around 3700.